Jeroen Breebaart has released version 1.05 of Ferox, a free tape saturation modeller VST plugin for Windows PC.Changes in v1.05Fixed output. Jeroen Breebaart updates Broadcast to v2.03 beta and releases plug-in bundle Oct 31, 2007.
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ArkeCodeFloat Crush is a new type of bitcrusher exploiting the nature of the floating point unit. It offers something the regular bitcrusher can’t; a dual flavor distortion.
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What does Float Crush do?
A floating point unit has three important segments to it, the sign, the exponent, and the mantissa. A normal 32-bit float uses 23 bits for it’s mantissa values and 7 bits for it’s exponent.
Ferox Free Vst Plugin
What Float Crush does is applies quantization to the exponent and mantissa range of bits, the same quantization a normal bitcrusher would. But the difference is this creates a multi-staged effect, where quantizing the mantissa range brings a soft, airy texture, and the exponent range which can completely ‘rearrange’ the sound.
There’s only a few presets but try it out for yourself. When adjusting the exponent effect, you might notice the signal gets softer, if that happens use the Pre-Gain control to compensate.