Tauros Free Vst

WhatsApp Tauros is a free software synthesizer developed by easytoolz. Available format (s): VST for Windows. Tauros is an emulation of the legendary Moog Taurus bass-synth. VTX-VSTRON VSTron is a free VST-Plugin that is well suited to create special FX sounds. VSTron is an effective and fun VST unit that is capable of producing different kinds of effects such as Laser sounds, Fast LFO's, Ascending/Descending Sweeps, Filtered madness, Bubbling Bleeps or attacking Ramps. Back to free VST plugins. Taurus free vsti: Author: Smart Electronix Download Taurus free vsti Downloads The Moog line of synthesizers is a huge inspiration to electronic musicians around the world and a force to be reckoned with in the synthesis community. Here is a faithful emulation of the Moog Bass pedals of the 70's.

There is a specialoffer for ouranniversary.
5 Pluginsfor 5€ !!

See home for details.

amphetamine V2 demo
a 6 oscilatoranalog-snth-module

Version 2 of my Contribution to kvr-dc 2009
(onplace 17-from 41 entries)
The new Version 2 has some modifys: New GUI, new waves at
the Osc „D“ and „F“, better FM-Function one big soundbank and someother fixes...
> 6 Oscilators ( 4 X Sin–Saw–Ramp–Trigon–Pulse and 2 X 55 variousWaves)
> Phase-modulation – Frequenz-modulation – 5 Oct and Finetuning
> Double-LP-Filter > 2 LFO´s – ADSR – Velocity-modulation
> Seriall-Paralell – Boost – Pan - LFO A > Cutoff - LFO B >RES-PITCH-PW
> 8 Step Sequencer (Tune and Cut-Offs) 1-8 Steps - 4 Directions
> Chorus - Double-delay with Pan-Lfo´s – ADSR-VCA- Mono/Poly-mode-Glide
> 12 voices 128 fantastic Patches by Kujashi aka Schiffbauer – ManyThanks !!
the demo is fully functionable ! Only aNoise-burst every minute
and only 32 Patches are includet ! (128 in Fullversion)
amphetamineV2 Demo at box.net
amphetamine V2 Demoat mediafire

Youcan get the Fullversion with 128 presets from Kujashi
for a very low donation of 7,50Euro by paypal at direct download.
Please click at the follow donation-button and pay the bill,
after that, please click at the Link ' Return to donations coordinator'
at the left side down and get your amphetamine V2 Fullversion at direct
download ....
OneEuro of each Donation goes to a Humantarian Organisation !

easy-muugXT V 3.8 demo
Updateto Version 3.8 = New, realistic and more 'moogy' Filter
and Oscilators and a new Delay-section, some little Bugfixes ,and 100 Patches
from Sound-Designer Kujashi aka Schiffbauer - Many Thanks !

An „Emulation“ of the first Commercial Synth from 1970
- 3 Oscilators with 6 Waveforms (Triangle, Saw,Ramp and 3 differentPulses)
- Tuning over 5 Octaves (2´-4´-8´-16´-32´) and Lo (Sub-audio) – Finetune
- Mixersection (Osc 1-3, Noise and Externel (Overdrive)
- Special Low-Pass-Filter with Cutoff, Emphasis and ADS Envelope
- 2 ADS-Envelopes (one for Filter – one for VCA-Amplifier) withRelease-button
- OSC 3 as Modulator > (Osc 1+2-Mod) and > Filter Cutoff –Keyrange-mod (Cutoff)
- Glide – Legato on/off – Mod-Mix (Osc3-Noise) - Volume
- Additonal to the Original-Features:
- Velocity – Mono/Poly (max 12 Voices) - Reverb – Delay withPan-LFO´s
- Unison-Function with Detune - LFO with :5 waves modulate->- Cutoff,
- Emphasis,Pitch,Pulse-width1-2, Phase-mod 1-3 and Unison-Detune
- All Modulations are routed to the ModWheel !! (Midi-CC 14)
- 2 additional Ramp Generators with several Targets
- Midi-Learn-function

Please notice:
the NEW demo V3.8 is fully functionable ! Only aNoise-burst every minute
and only 32 Patches are includet ! (100 in Fullversion)

at box.net
easy-muug-demo V3.8
SeeReview at DM Digital Musican Online
You can get the Fullversion with 100 presets from Kujashi
for a very low donation of 7,50Euro by paypal at direct download.
Please click at the follow donation-button and pay the bill,
after that, please click at the Link ' Return to donations coordinator'
at the left side down and get your easy-mugg Fullversion at direct
download ....
OneEuro of each Donation goes to a Humantarian Organisation !

Tauros Free Vsteasy-northern light 2X demo
Not a real 'Emu' of the greatfully Hardware Synth ... but realy near ...
- 1 X Oscilator (saw-ramp-trigon-pulse-waves)
- 1 X Oscilator (sin-saw-pulse-noise)
- Osc-FM – Sync – Pulse-W-mod -Oct-Note and Finetuning
- 5 Filtertypes (LP 12 db - LP 24 db – HP 12 db – BP 12 db and Notch )
- Filter ADSR (normal-invert) Velocity and combined Res-Distorsion Poti!
- 2 LFO´s with Delay, Freq and Depth (Sin-Saw-Ramp-Pulse-Trig-S/H)
- 1 X A-D-S-R-Envelope (Linear-Expontial) for VCA
- 1 X Mod A-D-Envelope modulate > FM – Osc 2 tune
- Double-Delay with Pan-LFO
- ModWheel-Function amount > Cut – LFO1 – Osc2 - FM
- 8 voices, 16 Patches, Monomode, Midichanel, Bendrange
- 4 additional Banks with 16 Patches each
TheDemoversion is fully functionable, only a Noise-Burst every 50 sec.

easy-northern-ligts2X Demo - at box.net
mirror atmediafire.com

Youcan get the Fullversion for a very low donation of 5.- Euro
by paypal at direct download.
Please clickthe follow donation-button and pay the bill,
after that please click at the Link ' Return to donations coordinator'
at the left side down and get your easy-northern-light Fullversion
at direct download ....

OneEuro of each Donation goes to a Humantarian Organisation !

ManyThanks in advantage !

easy-syn-sun 01 demo
An 5 Osc-multimod-Synth-Module 'Emu' ofthe fantastic
Hardware-Synth called ' Jomox Sunsyn' ...
The real Synth is never available in future, so its realy veryrare !
(I know no other VST-Emu of this great Synth at time)
Its a very fat Monster : 5 X Oscilators + 4 X Multi-Filters !!
in paralell or serial-mode and many more .....
- 2 X Oscilator (saw and pulse, oct-and fine-tuning, Pulse-width-mod)
- 2 X Oscilator (20 waves, octave-and note tuning)
- 1 X Noise Oscilator
- 4 X Filter (Low-and High-Pass – 4X Cutoff - 4X Reso and Global Cutoff)
- seriell and parallel-mode (A-B-C-D and A-B > C-D)
- 2 LFO´s with Delay, Freq and Depth (Sin-Saw-Ramp-Pulse-Trig-S/H)
- Soft-Clipper, Double-Delay with Pan-Lfo´s
- 2 X A-D-S-R-Envelope (EG 2 normal/invert)
- 4 X Modmatrix with 8 sources and 9 destinations each !!!
- 8 voices, 16 Patches, Monomode, Midichanel, Bendrange
- 2 additional Banks with 16 Patches each
TheDemoversion is fully functionable, only a Noise-Burst every 50 sec.

easy-syn-sundemo - at box.net
mirror atmediafire.com

Youcan get the Fullversion for a very low donation of 5.- Euro
by paypal at direct download.
Please clickthe follow donation-button and pay the bill,
after that please click at the Link ' Return to donations coordinator'
at the left side down and get your easy-syn-sun Fullversion
at direct download ....

OneEuro of each Donation goes to a Humantarian Organisation !

ManyThanks in advantage !

easy-jupit8R demo
Here a small description:
its also not a real 'Emu' .... but its realy near ...
-4 Oscilators (2X2) - LFO with 6 waves modulates: VCO´s - FILTER´S - PWM
-3 X Filter : HIGH-PASS - LOWPASS (12dB) LOWPASS (24dB)
-8 VOICES - 64 PATCHES (Many thanks @ Kujashi - Moe and rsmus from thekvr-comunity)
TheDemoversion is fully functionable, only a Noise-Burst every 50 sec.

easy-jupit8rDemo - at box.net
mirrorat mediafire.com

Youcan get the Fullversion for a very low donation of 5.- Euro
by paypal at direct download.
Please clickthe follow donation-button and pay the bill,
after that please click at the Link ' Return to donations coordinator'
at the left side down and get your easy-jupit8r Fullversion
at direct download ....

OneEuro of each Donation goes to a Humantarian Organisation !

ManyThanks in advantage !

Protege-> Pay whatyou want !
an „Emulation“ of the Analog-Synthesizer called„Moog Prodigy“ from 1976.
Its based at the same Sound-Engine as our easy-muug XT with
a different Structure: only 2 Oscilators and some smaller things
but with the same analogysh fat sound, special for Leadsounds...

- 2 Oscilators with 3 Waveforms (Saw, Triangle and Square, in OSC 2different PWM)
- Tuning over 3 Octaves (32´- 16´- 8´in OSC1 and 16´- 8´- 4 OSC2) –
- Finetune Osc 2 - and Interval (+- 12 Notes) on OSC 2
- Mixersection (Osc 1+2)
- Special Low-Pass-Filter with Cutoff, Emphasis and ADS Envelope
- 2 ADS-Envelopes with Release-button (one for Filter – one forVCA-Amplifier)
- Additonal to the Original-Features: Host-synchron LFO (5waves) withseveral targets
- Velocity - Reverb – Delay with Pan-LFO – Soft Overdrive andAnalog-Drift
- 100 Patches (mostly from Kujashi aka Schiffbauer)
- Midi-Learn-function - 6 voice polyphony
the demo is fully functionable ! Only aNoise-burst every minute
and only 32 Patches are includet ! (100 in Fullversion)

Protege Demo atbox.net
Protege Demo atmediafire

You can get the Fullversion with 100 presets from Kujashi
for a donation by anyheight!! by paypal at direct download.
Please click at the follow donation-button and pay what you want,
after that, please click at the Link ' Return to donations coordinator'
at the left side down and get your Protege Fullversion at direct
download ....
OneEuro of each Donation goes to a Humantarian Organisation !

easy-tauros freeware

an „Emulation“ of the Bass-synth-Legend called „Taurus“

Its based at the same Sound-Engine as our easy-muug XT
Try the included easy-muugXT-Demo to see theDifferences ...
- 2 Oscilators with 6 Waveforms (Triangle, Saw, Saw/Triangle and 3different Pulses)
- Tuning over 3 Octaves (8´-16´-32´) – Finetune Osc 2
- Mixersection (Osc 1+3)
- Special Low-Pass-Filter with Cutoff, Emphasis and ADS Envelope
- 2 ADS-Envelopes (one for Filter – one for VCA-Amplifier)
- Additonal to the Original-Features:
- Velocity - Reverb - Unisono-Function with Detune
- some Functions from easy-muugXT are hidden ... but they works :=)
- all Midi-CC are shown in Mouse-Hints inbrackets !
- NEW in Update:Waveform-Selector available !
- 64 Patches made by Kujashi(1-16) and BAYAN (33-64) Many Thanks !
- Downloads are including easy-muug XT V 3.7 Demo (Old Version, newcoming soon)

easy-tauros free at box.net
easy-tauros free atmediafire.com

easy-wave-player12 freeware
An 12 Slot-wave-player-machine
- 12 Pads with some nice Drum/Perc Sounds
- 12 X 16 Stepsequencer
- Each Slot offering the follow Functions:
- Tuning -2 bis +1 Oktave (Pitch-poti)
- LoFi - Overdrive - Delay
- Filter (LP1-LP2-HP-BP) Cutoff-Resonance
- Attack-Decay-Hüllkurve > VCA > Cutoff
- 16 Step Gater -> Pitch - Cut - Reso - Lofi - Drive
- LFO (7 waves) -> Pitch - Cut - Reso - Lofi - Drive - Pan- DelayFB- DelayMOD
- Panorama und Volume – Midi-Chanel
- 16 Voices – 16 User-patches

My Contribution to thekvr-audio DC 2014

Its an „Emulation“ of a very new Hardware-synth from Greece, called„Murmux Initate“
And it has a very „simple“ Structure at Original: 2 Oscillators withSubosc, 2 waves (Saw and Pulse)
Lowpass-Filter, simple LFO, 2 Envelopes (one AD, one ADSR)... thats all
My „Emu“ has some extra Features, indeed, i have tried to receive thebrilliantly easy structure.
> 2 OSC with Saw and Pulse, 2 Octave Tuner-knobs and FM-Modulation(Osc1 > Cutoff)
> Suboscillator (one Octave lower as Osc1) with Pulsewave
> Combined Lowpass-Bandpass-Filter with Cutoff and Resonance andADSR EG
> LFO with Rate and Depth Potis for Oscilator or Cutoff Modulations
> Special ADSR EG with embeded LFO/Loop (Ramp and S/H waves), theSustain-poti
regulates the intensity. Targets are the Amplifier,Oscilator Tuning or Cutoff !
> Delaysection with Pan-Lfo > Glide and > warm Shaper/Overdrive
> Monofon and only 18 Patches at moment, Sorry but my time did notreach for more.
> Maybee at an Update after the DC ;)
UPDATE to 1.1
Midi Controls inserted
UPDATE to V 1.11
Bugfix at Glidepoti ! Please Download again !
3 Banks with 32 New Patches each, from the famous Patchdesigners
Kujashi aka Schiffbauer, Subderground, ynx and the Original-bank
from NEK-X (with some new Patches, too ;-)) MANY THANKS !!
A total of 128 sounds ! Hope You enjoy it ....



aurelia-filtha freeware
This is my Contributionto the kvr-audio DC 2012

aurelia-filtha is aFullstereo-Lowpass-Filter-Plugin with following Specs:
- Special Low-Pass Filter (knownfrom my easy-muug/Protege-Emus)
- LFO 2 with 6 waves(sin/saw/ramp/trigon/pulse and s/h) with manual
- modulation-time (FREQ) andDEPTH-potis - Inverter (positive/negative)
- Targets: LFO 1 – Cut-off –Resonance - off
- LFO 1 with 5 waves(sin/saw/ramp/trigon/pulse) with Host-sync and Divisor
- Inverter and Depth-poti -Target: Cutoff
- Midi CC are shown at tooltipsin brackets
- Dry/Wet-poti – 32 Presets inUpdate-Version
-Update 1.1 :some little fixes and now 32 Presets !
Please Download again and thank you for Voting !
aureliafiltha update 1.1 at box.com
aurelia-filthaupdate 1.1 at mediafire.com

minitron freeware
a new toy for the masses, a 'Emu' of the KorgMonotron,
it is not a real Emulation, more a Adaption of the simple but effective
Structure of the Korg Minisynth with a little 'moogysh' Sound...
One Osc (saw) - one LFO (pulse) one 'moogysh' LP-filter
Overdrive and Mastervolume - monophon - 16 Patches
and some additions...
Update: Sub-osc (Noise/Square) with own LP-Filter / Delay /Mousekeyboard

easy-minitronfreeware at box.net
easy-minitronfreeware at mediafire

Downloadfileincludet actual Demoversion of easy-muug XT V3.8
see below for details...

easy-Q-delay Freeware

Taurus Fire Ant Killer

easy-Q-delay is a Fullstereo-Delay-Line with following Specs:
- Two separate Delay-lines for Left and Right with Sync-andManual-modulation
- and Feedback-level-potis
- 2 LFO´s with 6 waves (sin/saw/ramp/trigon/pulse and s/h) with manual
- modulation-time and depth-potis
- Targets: mod l+r / mod l / mod r / feedback l+r / feedb l / feedb r /pan l/r
- pan l / pan r / LFO 2 > LFO 1-frq / depth
- Dry/Wet-poti – ON/OFF-Button and Volume-poti
- 16 Patches (3 default for own creations) - Freeware
easy-q-delayat box.com
easy-q-delay atmediafire.com

Tauros Free Vst Download

AnX Beta TestAnXAbout 100 presets created by AnX during the Diva beta test period.Download
Aeterna DemoComplex11 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Aeterna.Download
Diva EDMRob Lee64 EDM-themed presets for Diva by Rob Lee (free email registration required to download).Link
Elios DemoComplex11 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Elios.Download
Genotype DemoThe Unfinished15 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Genotype.Download
Umbra DemoComplex12 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Umbra.Download
Space Opera DemoSami Younes15 presets, plus 15 variation presets, from the commercial soundset Space Opera.Download
DIY Preset KitLuftrumLuftrum releases DIY Preset Kit for Diva. This brand new pack contains 64 do-it-yourself presets, carefully initialized and completely empty without any filter settings, effects, envelopes or modulation – just waiting to be tweaked into the perfect pad, synth, bass, lead, soundscape or arpeggio with countless hours of fun for the studio craftsman. Wanna re-create the famous Vangelis CS-80 Blade Runner lead or make a huge and epic Deadmau5 trance lead? It’s all hidden in there, just waiting to unfold.Download
BubblePipeMedia Free DivaBubblePipeMedia20 free Diva presets for everyone to enjoy.Download
Cassini DemoThe Unfinished16 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Cassini.Download
Aethra DemoComplex11 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Aethra.Download
Diva Expansion 2 DemoNew Loops7 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Diva Expansion 2.Download
Dreamwaves DemoComplex10 patches showcasing the commercial soundset: Dreamwaves.Download
Divine demohollo12 free sounds (plus demo midi tracks) for Diva from the commercial set Divine.Download
Divachan MINIbsam10 free sounds for Diva from the commercial set Divachan.Download
Divaspherestevej12 free sounds for Diva by Steve J.Download
See a ChanceHoward ScarrHoward's try at creating the sound used by Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Davy's On The Road Again.Download
Jupiter Thingmcnoone5 variations of a sound found in the start of this Jupiter 6 video.Download
Stranger Things DivaDarren Burgos5 presets recreated in Diva for the opening theme of Stranger Things.Download
Diva OblivionBinary Oblivion26 synthwave-inspired sounds for Diva by Binary Oblivion.Download
Transformations DemoNerdMcBoonFive free sounds showcasing the commercial Transformations soundset.Download
The Unfinished u-he Synth Contest PackThe UnfinishedFree soundpack from 'The Unfinished u-he Synth Contest'. There are 20 presets for each of the following synths: Bazille, Diva, Podolski, Tyrell N6, Zebra, Zebralette.Download
So Long And Thanks For All The Cheesehakey (Mr. Wobble)126 presets from KVR user hakey (aka Mr. Wobble).Download
Zabong Diva TwoZaBong39 more presets from ZaBong.Download
Zabong Diva OneZaBong47 presets from ZaBong.Download
Aiyn Zahev Transitions Volume 3 DemobankAiynzahev8 free sounds from Aiyn Zahev's third volume commercial Diva soundset.Download
A bed for my DivaRedChameau31 presets for Diva by RedChameau. Enjoy!Download
Cory's lead 1Howard ScarrHoward's try at creating the lead used by Henry Cory's solo in Lingus by Snarky Puppy.Download
Hans Bickel DivaHans Bickel44 presets for Diva by Hans Bickel.Download
SYNTHTWEAKS Divasynthtweaks19 presets for Diva by SYNTHTWEAKS.Download
Overload MAXX DemoSWallace10 presets for Diva from the commercial soundset Overload MAXX.Download
Synchanter DivaSynchanter15 presets for Diva.Download
DIVA Patches 1Marko AamunkajoDIVA Patches 1 is a collection of 150 u-he Diva soft synth patches that Marko programmed and used during 2013. They are also compatible with the pre 1.3 version of Diva.Download
Diva Attractor Demotasmaniandevil10 presets from the commercial Diva set: Diva Attractor.Download
3ee Heavy Synth3ee2 presets by 3ee inspiried by the duophonic sounds of the Polivoks.Download
Tas V-day 2014tasmaniandevil35 Diva sounds for everyone to celebrate Valentine's Day 2014.Download
Tas Xmas 2013tasmaniandevil10 Diva sounds for everyone to celebrate Christmas 2013.Download
Aiyn Zahev Transitions Volume 2 DemobankAiynzahev9 free sounds from Aiyn Zahev's second volume commercial Diva soundset.Download
FLS DivaFLS2 presets created by FLS using the Diva demo: an E-bass and Guitar.Download
Diva does MozartBreezeBreeze was working on some presets for the Obxd OBX simulator and I came upon a pretty nice singing voice sound with the filter. I managed to emulate it on Diva with the Uhbie filter. He thought Mozart's 'Queen of the Night' aria would make a neat vehicle for it, and started putting it together.Download
Rezo DemoBlue-eyed Blonde Ape11 presets showcasing the commercial soundset Rezo.Download
hakey Brasshakey11 presets for Diva focusing on brass-like timbres.Download
Snigelx Does Divasnigelx25 subtractive and wavetable-styled presets for Diva.Download
Aesthetics free3ee17 free sounds showcasing the commercial Diva Aesthetics soundset.Download
Pulse Demomcnoone11 free sounds showcasing the commercial Pulse soundset.Download
A Trip into the Past Demoeyeln10 free sounds showcasing the commercial A Trip into the Past soundset.Download
Dream Maker Demoeyeln12 free sounds showcasing the commercial Dream Maker soundset.Download
u-he Philharmonic for DIVAdmbaer66 presets implementing the synth patterns found in Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook. Be sure to read the included Readme for more details.Download
Randoms for Diva Vol. 1peteman18 presets for Diva 1.1 for everyone.Download
DIVA Prima Demotshear239 free sounds showcasing the commercial DIVA Prima soundset.Download
Future Retro DemoBronto Scorpio10 free sounds showcasing the commercial Diva Future Retro soundset.Download
Diva Personas free3ee22 free sounds showcasing the commercial Diva Personas soundset.Download
Aiyn Zahev Transitions DemobankAiynzahev8 free sounds from Aiyn Zahev's commercial Diva soundset.Download
Bass pedals(various)Several presets inspired by Moog Taurus bass pedal synths.Download
Arksun Diva DemobankArksun16 free sounds from Arksun's commercial Diva soundset.Download
OmniDisc # 001 DemoOmniCom InternationalTalking about music is like dancing about architecture so here are are 13 patches available to try from the commercial OmniDisc # 001 soundset.Download
Diva Patch Contest 01: banks(various)The theme for this patch contest was to create a bank of presets in any style.Download
vd3 Divavd311 Diva presets by Jan (vd3).Download
AmbientMonkey DivaAmbientMonkeyHere are 92 presets to share, most of them are bass type presets, some (about 7 of them) are not originals but are modified factory presets or gathered from various other forums.Download
FMR patchesfmrKVR user FMR made a bunch of patches recreated from the Minimoog, the Juno-60, and from the Jupiter-8. The Minimoog patches have been recreated from patchbook diagrams, the Juno-60 and Jupiter-8 from the factory patches diagrams in their manuals. Finally, there are a few templates for the Minimoog. He tried his best to remain faithful to the originals as much as possible. Any feedback (good or bad) will be appreciated and he promises more patches in the future!Download
KVR Beta Bundle(various)Several patches made by KVR users during the Diva Beta. Be sure to check out the patch thread here.Download
Diva NationaMUSEd99 presets for Diva by aMUSEd. Enjoy!Download
3am Divajustin3amKVR user justin3am shared 36 of his beta-tweaking presets. Be careful, some of these presets show off the darker side of Diva so keep a hand near that volume knob! And of course these were made with the beta so the sound may differ from the final release.Download
Beta 20Bronto ScorpioKVR user Bronto Scorpio whipped up these 20 presets during the public beta for Diva. Be warned, these were made with the beta so the sound may differ from the final release!Download