Midi Filter Vst Free

  1. Midi Vst Software
  2. Midi Player Vst
  1. If you're looking to expand your library of VST instrument (VSTi) plugins, or tweak your mixes with some great effects or MIDI effects VST plugins, you can do it for free. You just need to know where to look. We've assembled the top 15 free VST plugins that can help elevate your music to the next level.
  2. Yes, you read that right- 400 VSTs completely free of charge! We’ve spent countless days digging through the web to find the very best free plugins. We found close 400 free VSTs of all types, including one VST whose sole purpose is to crash your DAW.

NoteMapper is a VST plugin that allows you to map MIDI notes to either other notes, or to Continuous Controller (CC), Channel Aftertouch or Poly Aftertouch messages. Each incoming note can be mapped to up to three notes/messages, even on different MIDI channels.

AU / VST PLUGINS for Windows and MacOS (32-64b)

This series is based on the ANALOG87 series which features a set of 6 high quality analog-style VST and AU effects for Windows and MacOS.
Instead of just providing a limited demo of the ANALOG87 series, eaReckon would like to offer fully working free plugins using the same engine.

These plugins are not only easy to use, they sound good too. Even though some of the controls of the ANALOG 87 versions have been stripped out, you will find they will have a useful place in your virtual rack.


PC :

  • Operating system : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
  • These are VST plugins. A compatible VST host software is needed.

Mac :

  • Operating system : Max OS 10.6 minimum
  • These are VST/AU plugins. A compatible VST or AU host software is needed.
VST PLUGIN for Windows and MacOS (32-64b)

MIDI Polysher is a free VST plugin primarly designed for eaReckon BloXpander users (but it works with other compatible VST host software).
BloXpander is now provided with its own full-featured MIDI filter and therefore, BloXpander users do not really need this plug-in anymore.
However, musicians have shown interest for this plug-in which can be used in other VST DAWs.
This is why MIDI Polysher was rebuilt from scratch and it is now available as 32/64-bit VST plug-in for both Windows and MacOS.

With multiple instances of MIDI Polysher loaded into your DAW, you can create 'zones' and control several instruments from a same MIDI keyboard (or controller).
For example, you can link the upper keys of your master keyboard to a virtual piano plugin and the lower keys to a virtual bass instrument but there is more to do with it...


32/64-bit VST plug-in for Windows and MacOS

  • Key range ('Pass', 'Exclude', 'Free', 'Nearest' modes)
  • Velocity range
  • Global CC filtering
  • Global Aftertouch filtering
  • Global Pitch Bend filtering
  • MIDI channel filtering
  • MIDI (per channel) activity monitor
  • Transpose


MIDI Polysher is a MIDI only VST plug-in.
How easy (or even possible) it is to use it highly depends on the host MIDI routing capabilities.

PC :

  • Operating system : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
  • This is a VST plugin. A compatible VST host software is needed.

Midi Vst Software

Mac :

  • Operating system : MacOS 10.6 minimum
  • This is a VST plugin. A compatible VST host software is needed.
AU / VST PLUGIN for Windows and MacOS (32-64b)

Ferret 4x4 is a free 32/64-bit VST plug-in for Windows and a 32/64-bit VST and AU plug-in for MacOS.
It has been primarly designed to enhance the routing capabilities of eaReckon BloXpander (but it works with other compatible host software).

This plugin makes use of BloXPander's specific 'sidechain' and multiple outputs capabilities allowing complex audio routing.
You can assign outputs pairs of other plugins to 3 of the 4 Ferret 4x4 inputs (Ferret 4x4 is 'sidechain' capable).
You can then link 3 of its ouputs to 3 different channels (Ferret 4x4 has multiple outputs pairs).

'Input 1' and 'Output 1' are direct links.

The 4 inputs are processed and down-mixed before they are sent to the 4 outputs.


32/64-bit VST plug-in for Windows.
32/64-bit VST/AU plug-in for MacOS.

  • 4 input pairs ('Sidechain' capable)
  • 4 output pairs (Multiple outputs)
  • Per input and per output Level & Pan controls


FERRET4x4 features more than one stereo input and more than one stereo output.
How easy (or even possible) it is to use it highly depends on the host audio routing capabilities.

PC :

  • Operating system : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
  • This is a VST plugin. A compatible VST host software is needed.

Mac :

  • Operating system : MacOS 10.6 minimum
  • This is a VST/AU plugin. A compatible VST or AU host software is needed.

J’s MIDI tools (freeware)

Free midi plugins. You can always find the latest version of these here (there’s 32-bit and 64-bit versions):

For 32-bit hosts.
For 64-bit hosts.

I’ve been messing around with the vst 2.4 sdk, some examples, and opengl and did this stuff, I’m making them for my specific needs, but if it’s of any use for anybody else:

CC value limiter:

Choose a CC to limit within a certain range.


multi channel key range/transpose midi plugin.
pretty self explanatory. 🙂

cc controlled (or not) midi transposer plugin

It acts on any channel, and when on, any cc assigned to increase/decrease transpose will be filtered.

CC time blocker plugin:
Some buggy midi controllers will send more than just a 127 and a 0 value when you don’t want, this is to prevent any clandestine cc to get thru, which otherwise would ruin, for example, tempo tapping. When enabled, only one message of the CC you specify (and only the values 127 or 0 get thru) will be allowed within the defined time period.

Midi Player Vst

CC64 emulator plugin:
Just a test tool, instead of sending the cc64 (sustain) out, it will filter it and mimic its effect with note on’s/off’s.

CC inverter:
Inverts a CC’s value (i.e. , if it’s 127, it will become 0), this is aimed at inverted sustain pedals, some older controllers don’t have the option to reverse the polarity.

Aftertouch to CC:
Remaps aftertouch/channel pressure to the desired CC.

midi random note delay:
introduces a configurable random delay on every note on message, up to 200ms (which is clearly too much). For example, to provoque slight timing drifts in layered instruments of a brass section.

CC-controlled channel switcher:
Define an origin channel, a destination channel, and a CC to change the routing from original->dest.
for that CC’s value <= 64:
for that CC’s value > 64:
note: any midi message except note on’s from the original channel will always be doubled into the destination channel as well, this is to prevent any surprises.

velocity – controlled channel switcher:

Instead of a CC, any velocity value above the specified trigger will change the note’s channel. Except this difference, all the rest from above applies.

vst metronome

(no pic available)
A very simple metronome for practicing purposes, outputs audio or midi “ticks” (configurable channel/notes), can be run synchronously or asynchronously with the host’s tempo.

chord note-channel-switcher
I made this for making brass section chords.
If you only play one note, the original channel will go thru unchanged.
When 2 or 3 notes are played at the same time, the original channel will be routed to the ones defined for low/mid/high notes.
Since in real life you’ll never hit the two/three notes in the same exact instant, the algorithm calculates the
lower / mid / higher notes each time a note on message is received, so if you have already pressed two keys and press
the third one later, the ones that are not according to the new low/mid/high calculation will be “noted-off”,
the channel change will be made, and new note-ons will be sent again.